A student in the Digital Era
Beyond the Click
Consciousness raising for online user agreements
Why do I care?
The data fueling these algorithms is astonishingly powerful, unlocking a “Big Brother” status for big tech companies. They learn and record our passions, desires, flaws, secrets, and behavior, allowing them to learn everything about us, more than your best friend, or even yourself. Unlike your best friend, big tech companies and their algorithms do not care about you. They want you to be addicted, trapped, and controlled, surrending your life to them. They do not care about your well-being and will do whatever it takes to keep you on the app, even if that means encouraging dangerous or self-harming behavior. And as more and more users fall down the content rabbit hole, mental illness is skyrocketing, isolation is the new norm, and people feel powerless. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Want to learn more?

An overwhelming number of tech giants like TikTok and Meta harvest mass amounts of personal data through lengthy online contracts. Companies accumulate invasive data to create addictive algorithms, specifically designed to keep you hooked. In order to further profit off your data, companies sell this data to third parties , allowing other companies to manipulate your behavior as well. Read the summary of TikTok's terms and conditions to see how invasive the data really is